Inspiration for Children

Welcome to Shellabow! The purpose of this website is to provide inspiration for children facing serious illnesses or injury through other people’s stories of triumph over tragedy.There are many people in the world who are enduring hard times, and a large portion of these people are children in hospitals. Whether they are sick or injured, they may feel as if they are missing out on the outside world. These children are unable to participate in many of their normal activities, and some cannot leave the hospital. Hospitals work hard to provide art and recreational therapy, however many children would also benefit from a bridge of hope by connecting with other children who have overcome similar obstacles. I envision a website that  children can visit at any time to gain inspiration by reading other children’s stories of triumph over tragedy. Here on this website, children can additionally display the artwork that they have created by emailing it through the CONTACT tab in the menu. The artwork will then be uploaded to the KIDS ART GALLERY page. You have the option to donate to hospitals listed under the DONATE tab. Click on the picture of the hospital you wish to donate to in order to go directly to the donations page on their website. To have your inspirational story uploaded on Shellabow, email it under the contacts tab. Please include your first name only and age. A picture of you or your artwork are optional. Use the QUOTES tab to view inspiring quotes. If you have an inspirational quote that you would like to share on this website, email it to us! I hope you leave this website with more hope and courage than when you came.

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