My name is Todd and when I was 19 years old in 1992, I was diagnosed with a rare tumor cancer called Ewing’s Sarcoma.  The success rate of treatment was about 30-50%.  I was having fun in college and didn’t have a care in the world.  My first instinct when diagnosed was, “NO WAY”, this can’t happen to me!  But, it did!  I cried for about 20 minutes that day and never cried again!

Why wouldn’t I ever cry again you ask?  After getting home that day, I decided that I was going to beat this thing called cancer however I needed to.  I looked at it as just a “hurdle” in life that I needed to get over.  From that point forward, I never had a thought go through my head that I was going to die.  EVER!  You have to have a positive attitude to beat these diseases!  It’s essential!  I have seen others that give up on life before they even start treatment, etc.  And guess what, they never get better!  The vast majority of people that keep a positive attitude come out on top!

I am now almost 44 years old, and have a wife and 2 kids and am living a normal life.  So, to whoever reads this letter, keep your head up and think positive things!  Be an optimist, not a pessimist!  Studies have shown this over and over. So, no matter how bad things seem, always think the best!  Good luck and good thoughts!

2012 Misc 049 (1)

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